The Research

(August 2022 to present)

The first encounters

Based on the results we received from the pilot encounters, the team decided to have a first encounter with each of the designated focus groups. We hope to allow the groups to grasp better about the whole idea of our project.

Beside the qualitative and quantitative approach employed in most research, we hope a participatory approach can allow the team to be more detailed in apprehending the context the focus groups are in event during COVID times. They may organise activities for the current research or they have a planned event suitable for the sake of further studying by the research.

The encounters were done from June 2022 to Mid-July 2022. All focus groups showed understanding to the project and provided their preliminary thoughts on how the collaboration can proceed.

The interview

The interviews were done through video conference to save time and effort in travelling. The interviews lasted around 1.5 to 2 hours to thoroughly extract data from the above dimensions.

A sample of semi-structured questionnaires for the interviewees can be found here, stemming from the dimension extract before. While the team adheres to the spirit of the questions as far as possible, comfortable liberty is given to the interviewees so that they may raise out notable points that can ever prompt new insights for the research.

Up to Nov 2022, 10 interviews with organisers/performers/audience were done, and will be continued. The list can be found here -

List of Interviews Completed